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GIFT OF GOD, The NAME of Jesus
John 4:10

Jesus answered her, "If you knew the GIFT OF GOD and who it is that asks you for a drink, you would have asked him and he would have given you living water."

Jesus answered and said unto her, If thou knewest the GIFT OF GOD and who it is that saith to thee, Give me to drink; thou wouldest have asked of him, and he would have given thee living water.

In answer Jesus said, If you had knowledge of what GOD GIVES FREELY and who it is who says to you, Give me water, you would make your prayer to him, and he would give you living water.


First let us define GIFT then joined it to Gof by the preposition ''of''.
A GIFT is something given voluntarily without payment in return, as to show favor toward someone.
No one can give a person as a GIFT but God gave His only begotten Son as a GIFT. God bestowed His Son voluntarily and without compensation.

When parents named their children names like Nathan, Nathaniel and Jonathan, they mean that these children are the GIFTs of God. The meaning of the name Jonathan is 'God has given or GIFT OF GOD.
Nethaniel means "God has given"
(from the Hebrew words nathan"has given" + el"God").
The meaning of the name Nathan is 'He (God) has given'.

Man can give many other things as gifts but a person can only be given as a gift by God. Some have given their girl-children as gifts in marriage but the truth is that they gave the bridegroom the bride price or dowry for their own daughter.

The GIFT OF GOD has power to give GIFTs to them that He chooses to. As in these scriptures He had power to give the Samaritan woman the living waters. He actually gave it to her because she changed her story and preached Jesus all over Samaria.

If we only know He is the GIFT OF GOD all our needs will be addressed without effort on our part. We were given Him by God freely as the BBE bible version puts it. He is an awesome GIFT OF GOD.

He is a GIFT that works out our salvation and eternal life. He is the replacement of our fate we inherited from Adam, death.
(Romans 6 v 23.)
“For the wages of sinis death; but the GIFT OF GOD is ETERNAL LIFE through Jesus Christour Lord” 

Nothing in this life is free, not even salvation. That’s right, not even salvation! Jesus paid a great price with His own precious blood. It is Jesus Who has the scars in His hands,feet, head, back and side. But He Jesus w
s given to us freely, He is the GIFT OF GOD. He iis the ETERNAL LIFE we talk about.

It was not that we had done any good that Jesus should stand in for us, He was just a GIFT OF GOD to us and for us.
(Ephesians 2:8)
''For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith--and this not from yourselves, it is the GIFT OF GOD.''

GIFT OF GOD, the NAME of Jesus.

Matthew 2 v 6 KJV:
And thou Bethlehem, in the land
of Juda, art not the least among
the princes of Juda: for out of
thee shall comea GOVRVENOR,
that shall rule my people Israel. ASV:
And thou Bethlehem, land of
Judah, Art in no wise least
among the princes of Judah: For
out of thee shall comeforth a
GOVRVENOR, Who shall be shepherd of my people Israel. ........................ Some versions say "Keeper",
some "Ruler" and some
"Leader". We shall come to
these later but for now let's
What is a GOVRVENOR? What does He do and why would
Jesus's NAME be GOVRVENOR? A GOVERNOR is recognised with
a government of a State,
province, colony, institution,
reserve bank etc etc. There is no
government without a
GOVERNOR and vise vesa. He governs, that's ruling with a
mandant from a higher office. No GOVERNOR is sub-standard
nor sub-normal unless the one
who appointed him was sub-
standard himself. GOVRVENORs
are usually not elected but
appointed by the country's highest office. A GOVERNOR
must prove to be a competant
and awell mannered candidate
before being appointed. All heaven could not find a
suitable candidate for the office
especialy that the candidate
was to accept to willingly suffer
and die for those who had
deliberately chose to be abducted by the devil. The devil
didn't force Adam and Eve to
give up God's command and
follow the serpent's advice of
greedy and pride. The successful candidate was
born of a human mother and
had to suffer at the hands of
those he came to redeem.
Finally at Calvary he proved that
he was the right candidate for GOVERNOR of all heavens and
earth. He came as a redeeer and
saviour but this time he comes
as both GOVERNOR and Judge.
He rules, shepherds and keeps
the flock well as the scpriture
says. He is GOVRVENOR general the universe-over. GOVERNOR, the NAME of Jesus.

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Hebrews 4 v 14

[New International Version (©1984)] Therefore, since we have a GREAT HIGH PRIEST who has gone through the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold firmly to the faith we profess.

[New American Standard Bible (©1995)]
Therefore, since we have a GREAT HIGH PRIEST who has passed through the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast our confession.

[King James Bible (Cambridge Ed.)]
Seeing then that we have a GREAT HIGH PRIEST, that is passed into the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast our profession.
Let us look into these three words forming the NAME of Jesus,
Let's start with GREAT which is an adjective meaning 'very large in size, number, intensity, etc. or being excellent, famous or/and important.'
HIGH also an adjective meaning 'lofty or having a certain height far above the the agreed upon, ordinary level.' When someone is said to be HIGH, it means he is greater than normal, quite above others in rank,
and finally PRIEST is a name of a member of the clergy authorized to perform religious rites especially as a mediatory
agent between humans and God. He also have the
authority to
administer religious rites of sacrifice
to God.

Jesus was and still is the only one qualified to be the GREAT HIGH PRIEST.
He is the GREAT, the most HIGH, PRIEST general.
Blessed are them that trust in the GREAT HIGH PRIEST.

The NAME of Jesus.

Ephesians 5:23

For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the HEAD OF THE CHURCH, his body, of which he is the Savior.

For the husband is the head of the wife even as Christ is the HEAD OF THE CHURCH, his body, and is himself its Savior.

NKJV (Cambridge Ed.)
For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the HEAD OF THE CHURCH: and he is the saviour of the body.
........ .......

The HEAD of the CHURCH. Let us zero onto the two words HEAD and CHURCH.
The HEAD is the upper part of the body, containing the skull with mouth, eyes, ears, nose, and brain. Sometimes way say HEAD meaning the mind.
The top part of anything, a leader or a chief are all HEADs.

The CHURCH is like
the physical manifestation of
Christ, i.e., his body the

The word translated "church"
in the English Bible is ekklesia.
This word is the Greek word s
kaleo (to call), with the prefix
ek (out). Thus, the word means
"the called out ones."

However, the English word
"church" does not come from
ekklesia but from the word
kuriakon, which means
"dedicated to the Lord."
word was commonly used to refer to a holy place or temple.

By the time of Jerome's
translation of the New
Testament from Greek to Latin,
it was customary to use a
derivative of kuriakon to translate ekklesia.

the word church is a poor
translation of the word
ekklesia since it implies a
sacred building, or temple. A
more accurate translation would be "assembly" because
the term ekklesia was used to
refer to a group of people who
had been called out to a
meeting. It was also used as a
synonym for the word synagogue, which also means
to "come together," i.e. a
gathering. "Body of Christ "
Since believers have been
united with
The idea seems to be that
the group of Christians in the world constitute the physical
representation of Christ on

So Christ is The Uppermost part of an organism called CHURCH. He is the HEAD office of the body called CHURCH. Every time we attend CHURCH we must remember the Director General is Jesus, the founder is Jesus, the Control Room is Jesus.


Acts 3:14

You disowned the Holy and Righteous One and asked that a murderer be released to you.

But ye denied the Holy One and the Just, and desired a murderer to be granted unto you;

You rejected the man who was holy and innocent. You asked to have a murderer given to you,

But ye denied the Holy and Righteous One, and asked for a murderer to be granted unto you,

But you would have nothing to do with the Holy and Upright One, and made request for a man of blood to be given to you,

But you deniedthe Holy One and the Just, and desired a murderer to be granted unto you.

Now let us first examine the two words HOLY and JUST.
The word HOLY dates back to at least the 11th Century with the Old English meaning
meaning "whole" and used to mean "uninjured, sound, healthy, entire, complete".
As for today the word HOLY is an adjective describing something or someone specially recognized as or declared sacred by religious use or authority; consecrated: dedicated or devoted to the service of God.

The word JUST means something or someone guided by truth and reason,
done or made according to principle, correct, equitable and proper.
Rightful and lawful.

Jesus is the HOLY and the JUST one..
Some versions say the UPRIGHT, some the RIGHTEOUS. Yes He is sound, whole, healthy and so sacred. He is for the service of God and He is answerable to God only. He may not be always fair but he is always JUST. He knows that a bigger head needs a bigger cap, that not being fair but very JUST. He knows that sentencing a thief to three months jail with labour is less severe than sentencing a king to one day jail washing kitchen dishes. That's not being fair but very JUST.

HOLY AND JUST, the NAME of Jesus.

Luke 1:69

He has raised up a HORN OF SALVATION for us in the house of his servant David

He has sent us a MIGHTY SAVIOU from the royal line of his servant David,

and has raised up a HORN OF SALVATION for us in the house of his servant David,

And hath raised up an HORN OF SALVATION for us in the house of his servant David;

Let us first look into the word HORN then SALVATION. Together is the HORN of SALVATION.
A HORN is a sign of power (Deut. 33: 17)—literally of an ox (Num. 23: 22) or metaphorically of a people
(1 Kgs. 22: 11).
In Dan. 7: 8 )
the HORNs refer metaphorically to kings.

(Ps. 18: 2)
indicates the saving power of the king.The four horns on the corners of altars
(Exod. 27: 2)
afforded sanctuary to a fugitive who clung to them.

The HORN OF SALVATION in Luke 1:69 (NRSV marg., AV) denotes royal saving power, now belonging to the Christ.

As we have seen many times the HORN represents power or strength...for instance, "The LORD is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge. He is my shield and the HORN OF SALVATION my stronghold." (Psalm 18:2)

It may also mean honor.

HORNs are emblems of power, dominion, glory, and fierceness, as they are the chief means of attack and defence with the animals endowed with them.

The expression "HORN OF SALVATION," applied to Christ, means a salvation of strength, or a strong Savior.

HORNs are also the symbol of royal dignity and power (Jer. 48:25; Zech. 1:18; Dan. 8:24).
Some would say a HORN is a musical instrument, yes, but still that instrument is made from a HORN of some animal and the same instrument proclaims SALVATION unto the lost of God's people.
In all the possible meanings above Christ Jesus fits in well in any of them.

Therefore we come to a conclusion that the phrase HORN OF SALVATION denotes truth as to power; in this passage strength, rock, fortress, God, strong rock, and shield, are all.

He is the power of SALVATION,
the strength of SALVATION,
the shield of SALVATION,
And SALVATION is what he came for.
He is saviour and redeemer of mankind.


Read more about the biblical meaning of the HORN of salvation;

I AM, The NAME of Jesus
John 8:58

"I tell you the truth,"Jesus answered, "before Abraham was born, I am!

Jesus said unto them,Verily, verily, I say untoyou, Before Abraham was, I am.

The I AM is just like a preposition and even more so. It stands for the NAME of Jesus which is so sacred that the Hebrews of ancient times could not talk it out. God Himself did not say His one NAME but by describing Himself as the I AM.

In Exodus 3:12. the Hebrew Words
literally translates as "I Will Be What I Will Be",
with attendant theological and mystical implications.

(often contracted in English as "I AM") is one of the Seven Names of God accorded special care by medieval Jewish tradition. Some of the names we have discussed and some we are yet to.

It is more than just I AM WHAT I AM.

It is a combination of I AM WHAT I AM and I WILL BE WHAT I WILL BE and I AM WHAT I WAS. In other words I AM CONTINOUS, unchanging, adapting, current, fitting, unpredicted, un-accessible, permanent and eternal being.

So Jesus has no past and no future but He is present past, now and future. To Him the sun doesn't set, there is no morning, winter, fall or time in His being.

Jesus is not left behind by time, technology or science. Science is trying to study Jesus, technology is trying to meet His standard and humanity is trying to understand Him But non has prevailed so far.

I AM, the NAME of Jesus.

2 Corinthians 4:4

The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the iIMAGE OF GOD.

In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the IMAGE OF GOD, should shine unto them.

GWT: The god of this world has blindedthe minds of those who don't believe. As a result, they don't see the light of the Good News about Christ's glory. It is Christ who is GOD's IMAGE.

We all know we were made in God's IMAGE and likeness. But what do we mean by saying Jesus is the IMAGE OF GOD? In various scriptures He said if you saw Him, you saw God. If we would want to know how God looks like, then we look at His IMAGE, Jesus first, then man.

Can we look into the word IMAGE?
It is a physical likeness or representation of a person made visible as is produced by reflection from a mirror, a form, a resemblence of someone. It might also be a mental representation of something previously perceived, in the absence of the original stimulus.

Jesus was the likeness and representative of God. He was a copy of God. He resembled God, the IMAGE OF GOD. We are all in the IMAGE and likeness OF GOD. Jesus is the first born of all those who were made in the IMAGE and likeness of God.

When God said, "Let us make man in our IMAGE and in our likeness,"
[http://mbible.com/genesis/1-26.htm] He never said the making was complete with on the sixth day of creation. He is still making us in His IMAGE and in His likeness.
We all know that this generation is better than all the previous generations, why, because He is making us from glory to glory in His IMAGE and in His likeness.

We look on to Jesus for every advancement in anything good. He is the pacesetter, the true IMAGE of God. [http://mbible.com/hebrews/12-2.htm]


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